03. Leads and Queries

Now let's deep dive in the leads and their management process.

TODO: Add image of Trips Listing Page

Leads/Trips Stages

You sales leads/trips are categoried with different status/stages to ensure proper Follow-Ups and work distribution. Here is an overview of these stages.

  1. New: This is the very first stage of every new leads. As soon as a lead is entered in the software, it will be listed here.
  2. In Progress: After the first quotation, leads will be moved from New to this stage. A lead will stay in the In-Progress stage during Follow-Ups till the lead is moved to on-hold/converted or if the lead gets cancelled.
  3. On Hold: Once a lead is confirmed for conversion, you will move the lead to On-Hold or the Converted stage. If you have customers who will be sending the first payment after the hotel vouchers, then you will first move the lead to this On-Hold stage and once the payment is received, you will then move the lead to Converted. This process is dependent on your business use cases.
  4. Converted: This section will contains the list of recent conversion/sales/confirmed bookings. The leads will stay in this stage until their start date comes.
  5. On Trip: As the name implies, your live/on-trip leads will be listing in this section. This will be a place for you to take on-trip Follow-Ups and contact calls.
  6. Past-Trips: Your converted trips which have ended will be listed in this section. The most recent check-outs will be listed on top and hence, it is great place to collect customer feedback or do necessary updates in the quotation.
  7. Canceled: This section will have the Canceled leads which did not get converted. You can manually cancel a lead or the system will automatically cancel the leads on their travel end-date pass.
  8. Dropped: If a tour gets cancelled, after conversion/sales, it will listed in this Dropped section. Here you will be able to track the refunds status or any other processes.

Add New Lead/Query/Trip

To add a new query, please click on Add New Query from the Leads Management dashboard. This will redirect you to a new page where you can enter the lead's details.

TODO: Add Image of the add query form

As you can see in the above image, you are requested to enter the details regarding the Query Source and Contact, Travel Destination with dates and pax, Guest details if available and any notes of requirements. Let's go through each section and fill the details.

Query Source

First, we will enter the details of the source of this query. In Sembark, Trip/Query Sources are devided into two categories:

  1. B2B-Agencies: These sources provides leads directly or via an Online Marketplace. Some common example are your B2B Partners, Travel Triangle. Along with the source details such as company name, you will also have some contact person's details. These sources acts as intermediator agents during the follow-ups and other lead processes such as payments, vouchers etc.
  2. B2C/Referrals: Leads from these sources are received directly or via a portal. These source don't as as agent/intermediator after lead generation and you will be dealing with the customer directly.

For the purpose of this guide, we will select a B2C source. Please search for Direct in the query source input and select the Direct Query from the options. Now, we will leave the Reference ID blank and will keep the Sales Team to You.

TODO: Add Image of Filled Query Source section

Destination and Duration

Next up are the journey details such as Trip Destination, Tour Start Date (expected), Duration and Pax details (Adults and Child). For the Destinations, we will select the first Destination from the dropdown. Then we will select a start date using the date-picker (pick any date), and the enter number of nights (e.g. 4). Next, we will select the number of Adults (e.g. 2) and click on Plus button to add children. Here we want to add one child with age of 4yrs, so we will select 4y from the dropdown.

TODO: Add Image of Filled Destination and Duration section

Guest Details

Now we will enter the guest details. Because we have selected the source as B2C, we will have to enter the guest details. For B2B query sources, this will become optional because we will have an agency contact and we generally don't have guest details for B2B leads. For the name of the guest, enter a name of your choice (e.g. Aman Singh), followed by the phone numbers (e.g. 8989898989). We can also add email and the guest's origin city if have those information available, but for the purpose of this guide, we will leave them empty.

TODO: Add Image of Filled Guest Details


Next, we have an option to enter any lead specific information or requirements. Let's assume that the guest wants to have 4 star accommodation with a budget of 60k. Let's enter these details in the comments box. These details will be available to us on this lead's detailed page and during the quotation process.

TODO: Add Image of Filled comments

Once you have entered all the required details, click on Save Details. This will save the query details and redirect us to it's detailed page.


You have successfully added your first lead. If you go back the Leads Management dashboard, you should now see this lead/query in the New stage listing page.

TODO: add image of a new lead's detailed page

Now, let move on to the next step of Package Quotation.


Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with your queries or demo requests. Provide your contact details, and our team will connect with you shortly.

Office Address

1, Plot No 177A, Shyam Enclave Sirsi, Jhotwara
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - 302034

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