02. Sales Overview

Sales process in your Sembark Travel Software includes Lead Management, Package Quotes, Follow-ups, Sales Reports and Payments Collections. Below is an overview of these processes.

Leads Management

Below is the Leads Management dashboard which you can visit from clicking on Trips from top-left navigation bar. Here you will be able to see all the leads in different stages such as New, In-Progress, Converted etc.

TODO: Add image of Trips Listing Page

API Integrated Leads

If your have integrated your Landing Pages or other Lead Generation Platforms such as Facebook/TripCrafters with Sembark Travel Software, then those leads will be listed in Trip Plan Requests module. This module can be accessed from top-left navigation under Trips > Trip Plan Requests link. If you don't see this link, it means there are no integrations.

TODO: Add image of Trip Plan Request listing page

These API Integrated Leads are NOT automatically moved to the Leads Management because most of the time, these leads will require a follow-up call to collect more information regarding the requirements such as destination, expected tour start-date, pax details etc.

Sales Reports

With sales reports, dedicated and personalized, you can can easily monitor your monthly/weekly sales with just one click. You can access the sales reports from top-left navigation under Trips > Sales Reports link. Here you can further apply filters for destination and sources to get a consise reports or take follow-up calls.

TODO: Add image of Sales Reports Module

Payments Collection

After sales, collecting on-time payments with follow-ups can make a huge difference in cash-flow in a company. You can easily track all your collectable with a dedicated incoming payments tracking dashboard which you can access from top navigation under Accounting > Incoming Payments. A package's total amount is usually distributed in multiple instalments with different due dates. On this dashboard, you can track all those upcoming, overview and paid instalments.

TODO: Add image of Incoming Payments

Once you collect a payments or take a follow-up, you can easily log those entries with respective instalment. This way, your accounts team can check the collection and verify the transaction in their own process. The collected and due amounts are also available to Tour Operations team to ensure there are no pending payments before trip start.

Outgoing Payments

As a salesperson, you also have access to Outgoing Payments (payables/debits) which shows a list of refunds from Dropped Trips. On-time refunds are as important as on-time collection to have good customer experience and long term relationships with your buyers, in-case of agents.


Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with your queries or demo requests. Provide your contact details, and our team will connect with you shortly.

Corporate Office Address

C-8/11, First Floor, Sarthi Marg, near SBI Choraha, Chitrakoot, Vaishali Nagar
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - 302021

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