04. Package Quotes

After adding a lead into the Software, you are now ready to start building your first Package Quote.


If you not on a new lead's details page, click on Trips from top-left navigation and click on the ID (blue link) of your newly created lead. This will open the leads detailed page.

TODO: Add image of a ID click

Query Details

On the new lead's detailed page, you can see the basic details that we entered during the creation process such as lead source, destination, duration, pax and guest details. Software will also auto generate a unique identifier for the trip and we will refer to this ID as Trip ID. You can also the comments that we added in the Follow-ups section on the right side.

TODO: Add image of new lead's details page

Now let's create our first Package Quote. A package quote consists of packge services such as Accommodation, Transfers and a quoted price with markup and taxes.

Create Package Quote

To create our first package quote, we will click on Create Quote. This will redirect us to package creation page. Let's first go through this page's layout and different details.

  • As an overview, you will see the basic details for the package such as destination, duration and pax details.
  • Next to that, you have option to control the settings for multiple-category package quotes (e.g. 3 Star, 4 Star, Premium etc.).
  • Following these basic settings, we have different sections to enter the details for Accommodation, Transportation/Activities, and Flights.
  • Now, if you keep on scrolling, you will have a section to preview the package details.
  • Next to that, you have controls for Markup and Taxes.
  • Finally, at the bottom of the page, you can view the final quote prices.

Now let's add our package details. For the purpose of this guide, we will create for a single category 4 Star package with a 4 pax capacity vehicle, without any Activities or Flight inclusions.


To add Accommodation for the package, we will scroll down to the Hotel/Accommodation section on the quote creation page.

TODO: Add Image of empty hotel section

We will click on the Add Hotel button which will open the form to select the nights, hotel, meal plan, room type and other inputs. Let's go through each of these fields as we will the form.

TODO: Add Image of hotel's empty form

  • Stay Nights: We will first select the nights on which we want to have the first stay of the Trip. We can select multiple nights for a single stay as well. Let's select the 1st and 2nd nights from the selection menu of nights.
  • Hotel: Next, we will select the hotel of accommodation. If you know the hotel's name, you can search in the selection menu search else you can click on the Advanced Search icon, next to the hotel search box to open the advanced search of hotels (learn more link for docs page). For this guide, we will select the hotel from the selection menu. Click on type in to search for any hotel of your choice and then select it from the menu.
  • Meal Plan: Once you select the hotel, the first meal plan from the hotel will be auto-selected. You can modify it if you want.
  • Room Type: Similar to meal plan, the first room type will be auto-selected as well. You can also change it if you want. For this guide, we will keep selected as default.
  • Pax Allocation: For our Tour, we want to provide a double bed room with an extra mattress. So, we will allocate the mattresses to every pax in the Tour. First, we will select the 2 (double occupancy) in the Pax/Room input field. This is the number of pax in a room, without any extra mattresses or child without mattresses.
  • Number of Room(s): Now, we enter the number of rooms in the next input. For this tour, we will provide a single room only, hence we will enter 1 in the No. of rooms input field. As soon as you enter the rooms, you should see the rates in the right side of the screen. There will be two rows (one per night), system rates for the selected hotel, meal plan, room type and base occupancy during the selected dates.
  • Adults with Extra Bed (AWEB): Next, we will enter the total number of adult extra beds required. In our case, we will provide one extra bed and so, we will enter 1 in the AWEB input field. This should automatically update the system rates for extra beds in the prices panel on the right side. Please note that this is total of all extra beds required in the selected hotel and rooms. If we need five extra beds, we will enter the 5 here.
  • Child with Extra Bed (CWEB): Similar to adults with extra bed, we can enter the total number of extra beds for children. We will keep it zero for this guide.
  • Child without Extra Bed (CNB): We can also enter the details of children without extra bed (CNB) if we have any in our Tour. For this guide, we will set it to zero as well.

Once completed, you should a screen similar to as shown below.

TODO: Add image for 1st and 2nd selected with hotel and rates

To add accommodation for remaining nights, we will click on Next Night button and fill the details for remaining nights as we did for the first and second nights.


We highly recommend adding accommodation details of other nights before moving to the next steps. This will increase your familiarity with the system and increase your proficiency.

TODO: Add image of hotel's section Once all details have been added

Once completed, we are ready to move on to the next section. For more details on the Accommodation section, please visit the full documentation on Quote's Hotels section to learn about all other options such as Advanced Search, Similar Options, Multiple Room Type's per hotel etc.

Transportation and Activities

TODO: Add Image of empty Transportation and Activities section

As we have completed the Accommodation part, we will now add the Transportation and Activities for this Trip. Adding Transportation and Activities is as simple as selecting the days and their respective itinerary titles.

But before we start entering the day-wise services, let's first examine the configuration settings of this section.

  1. Same Cab Type for All: This setting allows us to define and restrict the cab type for all the Transportation services. This is very useful if we are working in areas where we provide single type of cab(s) for the whole package. For the purpose of this guide, we will enter the cab details per-service, hence keeping this option unchecked. Please feel free to take the other adventure path (there isn't much difference).
  2. Add Prices as Once: Based on the settings of your organization, this option might not be available to you on this page. If you don't see it on the screen, please move on to next step. This option allows us to add Lump-sum rates for Transportation using matrices such as total number of days/nights, running Kms, parking charges etc. For the purpose of this guide, we use the service-wise rates and we will keep this option unchecked as well. To lean more about this option, please visit the full documentation on Quote's Transportation section.

Now, to add these details, we will click on the Add Service button. This will open the form the enter the day-wise transportation details.

TODO: Add image of empty details of Transportation section

Here, we will enter the following details:

  • Day: We will select the 1st Day from the Days selection menu. You can select multiple days if any of your services span multiple days.

  • Service Location: Next, we will select the service location. Based on the destination of our Tour and master data, you should search for the starting point of the Transportation or some keywords from the Itinerary of first day. For example, if our first day's itinerary is Jaipur to Ajmer - Sightseeing and Transfer, we would search Jaipur in this input. After search, you should some results for requested location. Pick any of the desired location.

    Checkout all Service Locations

    To get an idea of the service locations format which is used by your organization, you can click on the Transport Services link (in new tab) from the top navigation bar.

    TODO: Add image of transport services listing page

  • Service Type: Once you select the location, the Service Type input will be auto-filled with the first service on the selected locations. You can change the selected service by click on the selection menu and choosing a different option.

  • Cab Type: Next, we will select a cab type from the Cab Type selection menu. Pick any of the desired cab type for this tour which can accommodate 3 people. As soon as you select a cab type, the system will automatically fetch the rates for selected cab type, for selected transportation services. Here, you can increase the quantity of cab type and add more cab type(s) if required. For the purpose of this guide, we will have one cab type with quantity as one only.

TODO: Add image showing the filled cab services for first day

Once we have entered these details, we can add more Transportation and Activities for the selected day. Just below the added service, you should a button to add more Transport Service and Activity/Ticket. Or you may also see a single button for Add More if your organization is not configured to use the Activity/Tickets. If that is the case, then you can skip all the information regarding the Activity/Ticket services if your prefer.

You can add more Transport Services for the selected day if needed, else we will add some Activity/Ticket for this next. To add Activity/Tickets, click on the Add Activity/Ticket button which will open the form to add tickets details.

TODO: Add image showing empty activity/ticket bookings form

To add activity/ticket details, we will need to fill following fields:

  • Name: We will search for the name of the activity/ticket we want to include. Similar to transportation services, you will want to search for a location point of the activity. Let's assume that we want to include a ticket for Rishikesh - River Rafting, then we will search for Rishikesh in the name of the activity. You can also search for the ticket name (e.g. River Rafting) and it will list all the activity involving River Rafting. Let's select an appropriate option from the selection menu.

    Checkout all Activity/Tickets

    To get an idea of the activity/ticket format which is used by your organization, you can click on the Travel Activities link (in new tab) from the top navigation bar.

    TODO: Add image of travel activities listing page

  • Ticket Type: As soon as you select the Name option, the first ticket type will be automatically selected. You will also notice that the ticket configuration(s) (in the rights panel) have been automatically generated for selected activity/ticket name and type, and the system has automatically fetched the rates for all the configurations. You can also change the selected ticket type from the selection menu if required.

TODO: Add image showing transportation and activities details field for first day

Summary Preview

Per-Person Costing


Taxes and Rounding

Final Pricing

Once you have filled the necessary package services and confirmed the prices, you can click on Save Quote button at the bottom of this page. This will save the package quote details and will redirect you to the Itinerary Preview/Editing page.

Itinerary, Inclusion and Terms

Day Wise Itinerary

Inclusion and Exclusions

Terms and Conditions

Once you have configured the required settings, you can click on Save Itinerary. This will save the itinerary and redirect us to the Trip's Details page with the Latest Quote information.

Well Done

Congratulation. You have successfully created your first package quote. There was a lot to go through but this time will keep on reducing on your future quotations and you will be able to quote withing 1 minutes.

As, this package was created in a systematic way (total costing, markup and taxes), editing this quote during your Follow-ups will be much faster and can be done within seconds.


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