Email Docx Download and Template Customizations

by Sudhir Mitharwal on 14 Jan, 2024

With this update, you can further customize Transportation and Itinerary sections of your Quote Email and PDF Templates and download the Quote Email content as Word Docx file. This release also includes notable updates such as Accounts and Transaction Excel Exports, Child age and Hotel check-in/out customization for Destinations, Hotel contact details during Booking Enquiry Email, Improved FB Integration and some other enhancements.

Let's dive in for more details.

Quote Email Download as Word Doc

You can now download your quote emails as MS Word Doc file which can be easily shared along with the existing email content. This process enables a smooth sharing and editing experience for B2B clients. The existing email content has also been improved to increase the compatibility with older email clients during copy-paste.

Image showing download as Word Doc option from Quote Email

Quote Email and PDF Customizations

Improving on our last update, we have added functionality to customize the Transportation/Activities and Day Wise Itineary sections in both your Email and PDF Templates.

Admin Only

Only Admin users can customize these settings so please contact your Admin(s) to update settings for these sections.

Transportation and Activities Section

You can now customize the transportation and activities section in your Email and PDF with settings such as title, variant (email only), and terms.

Image showing settings for Transportation and Activities section in Quote Email and PDF Template

Transport Section Title

With this update, you can customize the title of this section. The default title is Transportation and Activities where the And Activities part is only included if there are Activities in the Quote. You can customize of leave it blank. The software will use the default title setting if this is left blank.

Hide Transport Summary for Same Cabs

You can now configure whether or not you want to show the Day Wise Transport Summary in this section if you are using same cab type in the Quote. When this option is enabled, and your Quote is using same cab type(s) for all transportation, then only the cab type(s) will be shown in this section and the Transport Summary will be hidden.

Image showing hidden and shown transport summary side-by-side for comparison

Not Applicable when Quote has Travel Activities

When this option is enabled, the Transport Summary will be only be hidden if there are no Travel Activity in the quote, even if same cab types are used.

Transport Section Variant for Email

A variant of a section is just another way to represent and show (UI) the section details. Earlier to this update, the details in this section were shown in a Tabular format. This update introduces a new variant to show the information in Plain Text format. Here are some more details about these 2 variants.

Image showing selection menu to change the variant of Transport and Activities section.

1. Default Table Variant

The default variant for this section is the Table Variant. This variant shows the Transportation and Activities details in a clean, beautiful and compact format. This variant is well supported in all modern email clients such as Gmail, Thunderbird, Mac Mail etc.

Image showing default table variant for Transportation and Activities section

2. Plain Text Variant

Our existing table variant show details in a clean and compact table view. But this table view can cause some issues and distort the table view if your clients are using some older version of email clients such as Outlook'16 or if you want to copy-paste the email content inside an older version of MS Word. To solve this, a new variant for the Transportation and Activities section has been introduced in Quote Email Template to enhance the email compatibility with various email clients such as Older Outlook and Yahoo!.

This variant shows the information in simple list view format for each day and services as sub-list.

Image showing plain text variant for Transportation and Activities section

Special Terms and Notes

If you wanted to share some general terms and notes with Transporation and Activities Section, now you can set them inside the Terms settings of this section. These terms will be appended, just below the section in all Quote Emails.

Image showing setting for special notes in Transportation and Activities section and a preview of how they would look in Quote Email

Day Wise Itinerary Section

Along with Transportation and Activities section, you can now customize the settings for Day Wise Itinerary section as well such as Title and Ordering.

Image showing settings for Day Wise itinerary section in Quote Email/PDF Template

Itinerary Section Title

You can now set a custom Title or remove the Title completely from your Quote Emails and PDFs. The default title is set to Day Wise Itineary which you can customize according to your needs. If you want to remove the title of this section, simply remove the title value and save.

Itinerary Section Ordering in Email

The default order of the Day Wise Itinerary section in Quote Email is to include the section at the end, just before Terms and Conditions. You can now modify this ordering to show this section at the top, just after the package overview. This configuration was already possible and some of you might already be using the top-ordering, but this required our support assistance to enable. Now these settings can be easily controlled by your Team Admins.

Image showing side-by-side view of ordering of Itineary in Quote Email

Hotel Contact Details on Booking Email

A minor but very useful addition to the Hotel Booking Email process is to show the Hotel's contact details in the Booking Email composer UI. This will allow the Reservation Team to easily copy the email address of hotel's contact person to send the booking enquiry.

Image showing hotel booking email composer with hotel's contact details

To further fasten the booking enquiry email process, you can now open your email client application (Outlook, Mac Mail) with auto-filled recipient email address and subject in one click. Simply click on the button, right next to contact person's email and your email client will auto-fill these details. You can also click on Copy to Clipboard button to first copy the email content and then click on this button. That way, when your email client opens, you simply have to paste the email content and can hit send.

Image showing process to copy the email content and clicking on open email click button on hotel booking email

Maximum Child Age per Trip Destination

If you serve some Trip Destinations which allow a higher age (12+) to be counted as child, then you can configure the maximum age settings for a Particular Destination by editing the details of a Trip Destination (Admins Only).

Image showing configuration of maximum child age on Trip Destination Editing page

This will enable the selection of child age, till the allowed maximum age, during the Query Creation and Quotation process.

Image showing child age selection menu during query creation page to highlight the maximum child age configuration for destination

Default Check-in and Check-out Time per Destination

You can now set a default check-in and check-out times of hotels on Trip Destination. These time settings from the destinations will be used for newly created hotel's during price uploads. The default settings for these times are check-in at 12:00 hrs and check-out at 11:00 hrs. Admins can update these default settings by editing a Trip Destination's details. As earlier, you can always customize the timing on per-hotels basic if a specific hotel has different timings, then the associated destination.

Image showing check-in and check-out setting on Trip Destination Editing Page

During hotel's price upload, a preview of these destination timing settings will be visible for guidance and verification. Please note that these settings will be applied to new hotels only and any existing data will stay as it is.

Image showing Trip's Destinations check-in/out settings during hotel's price upload

Accounting Accounts and Transactions Download

Accounts Team can now download the Accounts and Transactions as Excel File for analysis, verification and record keeping.

Accounts Download as Excel

Accounts team can download the accounting accounts by simply visiting the Accounts page and clicking on a specific Account Type from the left tabbed navigation. The downloaded file will contain account's basic details such as name, tags and types along with closing asset balance.

Image showing process to download as excel for Accounting Accounts

Accounting Transactions Download

Along with accounts, the team can also download the Accounting Transactions for a selected period of time. To download, simply visit the Transactions page or an Account's page and apply a date interval to download the proceed.

Image showing process to download as excel for Accounting Transactions

Improved Meta FB-IG Leads Integration

Our Meta Leads integration has been improved to capture Advertisement and Lead Form details along with existing lead data. Following new fields have been added to the Meta Leads

Image showing form captured field on Meta leads.

  • ad_name: Name of advertisement that generated the lead.
  • adset_name: Name of Ad set.
  • campaign_name: Name of advertisement campaign.
  • form_name: Lead's Form.
  • platform: Lead generating platform, IG for Instagram and FB (or not set) for Facebook.
  • is_organic: Is this an organic lead? (not from Ads).

Improve Travel Activity Tickets allocation for Children

With this update, if a child is NOT in the age range of Travel Activity ticket and cannot be added as complimentary, then the child will be assigned an adult type of ticket to ensure the all the children have been allocated with tickets. For example, if a Travel Activity has tickets for adults and for children between 6yo-12yo, and if you are quoting for a child with age of 15yo, then this 15yo child will be assigned an adult ticket.

Add Voucher Confirmation details for Hotels

Earlier to this update, only voucher confirmation number were allowed to be included in the Hotel Voucher. Now, you can add any required information in the Voucher's confirmation details and these details will be included in the generated voucher.

Image showing hotel voucher confirmation details editing form during voucher generation.

Transport Service Start Time and Duration Visibility

Salespersons can now view a Transport Service's start time, duration and end time during quote creation or editing process. These details are for preview only and will NOT be shared in the quotation. Also, the day selection menu will show the selected date as well, along with day and weekday.

Image showing Date, Start/End Time and Duration on Transport Service Selection during Quotation

PDF sharing in Quote WhatsApp Message

When sharing a link in a message, the WhatsApp and other messenger applications might flag a message as spam or blacklist due to increasing cybercrimes using links in messages. Because of this, we have updated our recommendations for sharing PDF in Quote WhatsApp message. We now recommend sharing the message without PDF link and send the PDF as a separate attachment to the message.

Image showing recommendation for quote WhatsApp sharing with PDF.

  1. When sending a first-time message to a customer, the PDF link in the message is NOT made clickable by the WhatsApp and customer will have a hard time opening the link.
  2. WhatsApp truncates large messages, and the PDF link might not be visible at first glance to the customer.
  3. Because the PDFs are sent as link, if a customer wants to view the PDF again from the WhatsApp chat, they have to download the PDF again!
  4. During follow-ups, it can become hard for customer to cross-check the details between the PDFs as they have to re-download and can lose track of PDFs.
  5. There are higher chances of getting flagged as spam or blocked when sending a link in a first-time message.

Benefits of sending the PDF as a separate document

  1. The WhatsApp will generate a preview image of the PDF's first page where we can attach an attractive destination image.
  2. As this is a separate message with attachment, customers will have an easy time opening and downloading the PDF for future references and can open in single click.
  3. Customers can easily reply to a particular PDF document to improve follow-up process.
  4. This will remove the link spoofing risks and will reduce the chance of spam marking and blacklisting our message.

Other Bug Fixes and Improvements

  1. Remove zero flight prices from sales reports UI.
  2. Add phone number details at the time of user invitation.
  3. Fix: Older Travel Activities rates are being fetched if the same rate sheet had season overrides.
  4. Fix: Removal of landmark from Tenant Addresses not working
  5. Fix: Updating a hotel's other details was updating its address.
  6. Fix: Hotel's import failing when URL column was missing in CSV file.
  7. Use short name for activity ticket configuration (i.e. 4A. + 1C. instead of 4 Adults + 1 Child (6-12)) in quote and voucher sharing.
  8. Use the branding theme color in all email templates and vouchers,
  9. Fix: Issue with decimal points in Trip Drop, caused by hotel cancellation charges.
  10. Fix: Remove disabled hotels from showing on the Hotel Groups detailed page.
  11. Add validation for slots timing during Travel Activity creation/updation.
  12. Improve searching for Travel Activities and Transport Service's listing and prices page.

That's all for this release. Stay tuned for more updates.

To update your application to latest version, simply refresh the page with ctrl+shift+r on Windows and cmd+shift+r on MacOS. After refresh, you will receive a notification at the top of the page to update.

If you are facing any issues regarding update, please checkout out our update guidelines.


Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us for your queries or demo requests. Provide your contact details and our team will connect you shortly afterwards.

Office Address

1, Plot No 177A, Shyam Enclave Sirsi, Jhotwara
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - 302034

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